Download our catalog

Are you searching for top-quality solutions for your project, or considering adding green roofs to your product range? Our catalog provides a clear overview of a large portion of our offerings, specifically curated for business customers.

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What’s inside our catalog?

  • Individual products and accessories: Gain detailed insights into the specifications, applications, and features of each product.
  • Complete systems: Discover how our individual products can be combined into green roofing systems that are widely used in practice.
  • For flat and pitched roofs: Explore versatile solutions for a wide range of projects and roof types.

While our catalog showcases an extensive selection, there are countless other possibilities. Every project is unique, and we are happy to collaborate with you to offer solutions that perfectly match your specific needs and requirements.

Download our catalog

Would you like an overview of NatureGreen’s products and green roofing systems? Download our catalog below. After filling in your details, you can download the catalog immediately.

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Lightweight Green Roof +

Carbon Green Roof

Biodiverse Green Roof

Sedum Roof Cassette